Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Agents of Change

As part of being a good human being, I think we need to agents of change in whatever we do in our lives as this would indirectly effect others around us be it family, friends or random people. As we are born, we progress through life and we see a lot of things which are not right happening around us.

Instead of ignoring issues and avoiding confrontations, I think we need to partake in whatever form necessary or voice out whats not right. Although, we might think that this may not bear fruit at all, but on the hindsight, we do create a ripple effect and inevitably letting people know of our displeasure of how a current situation is.

I believe any individual can bring change to the world, a good example would be President Obama who is righting all the wrongs that was previously done. We could be agents of change in out workplace, family, community and you would notice how things unfold for the better. Persistency and perserverance would eventually triumph no matter how difficult or complex a situation is. The good will always triumph over evil.

Monday, January 26, 2009


If energy changes from one form to another and mass is retained....thus the Eergy Balance and Mass Balances principles in Chemical Engineering. If we apply it to real life, a lot of things makes sense on nonsense..

So if money is earned by someone, it is at the expanse of someone else somewhere ( a gain somewhere is a loss somewhere else). If there were loads of money in the stock market a lot of people must have made money. So how then do we explain the current financial crisis. To say that billions of dollars was wiped out does not make sense as I'm pretty sure the money has dissappeared somewhere but where and by whom??....remember Balances?

The relative effect on oil price is also baffling, its kinda like the 7/8 billion people in the world has stopped using energy for the oil prices to drop from a high of US150 to its current low. What drives it and who drives it is another question altogether.

Hmm....wonder what else is going to be new in this year ahead.